About Us
The Swiss fashion label VUP Fashion AG stands for unisex fashion accessories. The VUP® brand and the design are internationally protected and represented by the renowned trademark attorney Bernard Volken from the respected law firm Troller Hitz Troller.
Some evolutions require revolutionary ideas. With this innovative idea, the tie is revolutionized and brought to the next stage of evolution. Upcycling becomes an upgrade.
The new, individual and unisex fashion accessory revolutionizes the tie as a new must-have: whether elegant, casual, rock or crazy. VUP® always suits every style.
Whether in everyday business life, in your free time or for a special occasion, VUP® appeals to a large target group in a contemporary way – whether young or young at heart.
My name is Evelin Stefano and I want to go down in fashion history and conquer the world as Miss VUP®, inventor of the tie revolution for everyone and for every style.
VUP®, the individual styling upgrade. VUP® is an all-in-one accessory and the tie revolution for everyone. It can build a contemporary bridge between tie (men) and scarf (women). Coco Chanel freed women from their restrictive clothing and I - Miss VUP® - dress men's necks in a liberating VUP®. This individual unisex accessory is so intelligently made that VUP® will go around the world as a must-have accessory as a logical continuation of several dress codes. Big things are being replaced, even bigger things are to come.
Goodbye tie & foulard – Hello VUP®
Evelin Stefano, inventor of VUP®
My VUP® – Your VUP® – Our VUP®